Aiming to set measurable, community-wide goals and develop strategies based on existing data and direct input from those experiencing poverty, ensuring the entire community works together toward sustainable solutions.
Make your impact where it matters most to you!
Click a committee to learn more!
Community Aspirations A better hall for all
We envision a community without poverty where everyone is focused on creating Pathways Out Of Poverty through our everyday actions and the below ideals are embedded in our community culture.
The Community We Want to Be:
Everyone has access to a safe, decent, affordable place to live
Everyone has opportunities to earn a living wage
No one is hungry
Everyone has accessible and adequate medical care
Mental health needs are recognized and have priority for treatment
Drug and alcohol abuse are recognized and treated
All children have access to superior educational opportunities from birth through graduation and post-secondary education
Prisons are committed to rehabilitation
No one experiences discrimination of any kind - racial, cultural, religious or sexual
Children are a priority and foster care is provided locally
Volunteerism is a way of life for all
Affordable, adequate public transportation is available to all
Everyone has a voice and is involved in making community decisions
Negative and illegal activities are actively identified and prosecuted - be they drug dealers, slum landlords, high interest manipulators, sex offenders, or others who take advantage of the poor and vulnerable
A community recognized for its comprehensive media support toward breaking the cycle of poverty - Safe, educational and affordable after school programs are accessible to all children
A community known for its hospitality, welcoming strangers of all economic standings, cultures and backgrounds into its midst

Get Involved
in breaking the cycle of poverty in Hall County by understanding the challenges faced by our most vulnerable citizens through collaboration with local churches, public, private, and non-profit sectors to address the root causes of poverty in a holistic way
To become a One Hall member, simply attend one of our upcoming meetings
Click each category for meeting schedule.
If you have any questions, reach out to Teigha Snowden at tsnowden@unitedwayhallcounty.org.
1st Thursday of each month
at 9:00 a.m.• March 6th
• May 1st
• June 5th
• August 7th
• September 4th
• October 2nd
• November 6th
• December 4th
Join us via Zoom -
3rd Wednesday of each month at 8:30AM
At Brenau Renaissance
106 Spring Street SW, Gainesville or via Zoom• March 19
• April 16
• September 17
• October 15
• November 19
• December 17
3rd Wednesday of each month at 2:00PM
United Way of Hall County
527 Oak Street, Gainesville, GA 30501Full Committee Meetings:
• March 19
• May 21
• July 16
• September 17
• November 19
One Hall meetings are an open, public forum for anyone wanting to join our community-driven conversations.
Our leadership
One Hall Chair
Dr. Merrianne Dyer
Karen Borders
Adam Raulerson
Duane Schlereth
Financial Stability
Philippa Lewis Moss
Advocates for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
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