Frequently Asked
Got a question? It matters to us. Check out the questions (and answers) below that we get most often. Still need answers? Reach out! Contact Us
+ What does United Way of Hall County do?
Formed in 1948 as The Community Chest by a group of local businessmen, United Way of Hall County is a local, nonprofit organization whose mission is to unite people organizations and resources to improve lives in Hall County through a focus on education, income and health
We create opportunities for a better life for everyone in Hall County, Georgia. We are all connected and interdependent; the idea that we all win when a child succeeds in school, when families are financially stable and when people are healthy. It is less about helping one person at a time and more about making sure the systems are in place to help everyone in our community.
We focus on the basic things that we all need for a good life: education, good health, and financial stability. We research the needs of our community, bring the right people and ideas together, leverage contributions and invest in programs that have proven results.
+ Why the focus on education, financial stability and health?
Education, income and health are the building blocks of a good life. By supporting programs that address these, United Way is working towards creating the best possible life for everyone in Hall County.
Education - United Way of Hall County believes that learning begins at birth and continues throughout life. Our aspiration is that all residents of Hall County will have opportunities to learn which will help them achieve their full potential. Education has many forms and is not limited to a classroom environment from kindergarten through high school. United Way of Hall County invests in programs that support early learning, the well-being of school aged children and adolescents, and Basic literacy and comprehension development skills.
Health - Whether it is an individual or family without health insurance, a victim of abuse, or someone struggling with mental illness or an addiction, United Way of Hall County believes in improving everyone’s health and safety. Our aspiration is that all residents of Hall County are healthy and safe. We promote health and safety by investing in efforts to break the cycle of domestic violence, abuse and neglect, improving access to primary medical, behavioral and dental care, and prevention of and intervention in unsafe or unhealthy behaviors.
Financial Stability - United Way of Hall County believes that many families and individuals face obstacles to achieving financial stability and independence. Our aspiration is that all residents of Hall County have opportunities to meet their basic needs and achieve self-sufficiency. United Way of Hall County supports families as they actively pursue stability and independence by investing in resources providing food, shelter and clothing, addressing barriers to self-sufficiency, and promoting financial security.
+ Who decides what United Way will be involved in?
United Way is a volunteer-led organization in all of its functions; board of directors, committee structure, annual fundraising campaign and investment of resources in identified areas of priorities. The responsibility entrusted to these individuals is great, and they decisions they make are of significant importance to our community, requiring teamwork, communication and a shared commitment to fulfilling United Way’s mission. A trained, professional staff supports the board and other volunteers in the day-today operations.
+ What does “Live United” mean?
“Live United” is an invitation for all people to give, advocate and volunteer as we work to create opportunities for a better life for all of us living in Hall County.
The challenges our community faces are greater than any one single organization can address alone. It will take all of us contributing financial resources, lending our voice and giving our time to create a good life for everyone. We all succeed when a child succeeds in school. We all are better when families are healthy and self-sufficient. We all win when we Live United.
+ Why is United Way's work is important?
One single agency can not solve our community’s problems alone, especially in these tough economic times. That is why United Way of Hall County is so important. By working together, United, we are providing individuals and families with support for food, utilities, shelter, counseling, child care, medical care and a long list of vital services that make a vast safety net for our community.
+ Why should I give to United Way of Hall County?
We have one mission that drives everything we do and that is to improve lives in Hall County – to help create the best life possible for all. When people are educated, have sufficient income to support themselves and their families and are healthy, it strengthens the entire community. By funding programs in these areas, we are making an investment that helps the community as a whole, not just the recipients of the services.
United Way looks at more than simply the number of people receiving services. Investments are made in programs that demonstrate measurable success in achieving our goals in Education, Financial Stability and Health.
+ I can’t afford to give much. Will a small amount do any good?
We know that giving is a personal decision that only you can make based on your income and other obligations. A gift of any amount is very much appreciated. We believe in the power of collective impact. Your gift added to those of thousands of other contributors, has the ability to make a great impact and change lives.
+ What are the advantages of payroll deductions?
Having a set amount deducted from each paycheck enables most donors to contribute far more generously than they would be able to do if they gave their entire contribution all at once. Payroll deduction offers a convenient, effective way to stretch your charitable dollar and make a difference in our community.
+ Does my gift stay local?
.99 cents of every United Way of Hall County donor dollar stays right here in Hall County. The other one cent pays membership fees to United Way Worldwide providing access to many membership services, Global Leadership Companies (i.e. UPS, Publix and Cargill) and use of the United Way logo and branding.
+ What is United Way of Hall County’s relationship with United Way Worldwide?
United Way of Hall County an independent, locally governed organization charted in the state of Georgia. United Way Worldwide (UWW) is a trade association that was formed to assist member United Ways. It serves as a training and service center for United Ways across the country but is not a national headquarters and has no governance or financing authority over local United Ways.
+ What is United Way of Hall County’s overhead?
.99 of every United Way of Hall County donor dollar stays right here in Hall County. One percent or .01 of every dollar is used to pay the United Way Worldwide membership fee.
In a recent survey (Ellison Research, Non-Profit Overhead Study, 2008) Americans polled believe nonprofits spend 36% on overhead and they think non-profits SHOULD spend 22% on overhead. The overall United Way system’s administration/overhead rate in the U.S. of 12.24% remains extremely competitive with the top 100 nonprofits in the U.S., and is well below industry standards and recommendations (such as the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance at 35% and the Office of Personnel Management/OPM at 25%). Moreover, United Way helps other nonprofits maintain low overhead rates.
+ I want to get involved! What can you do to help?
Become a part of it. Live United. You can volunteer, you can advocate and you can invest in our community by giving to United Way of Hall County. However you choose to give, you can inspire hope and create opportunities for a better tomorrow.